a vida é um tango

A vida é para viver. Não é para desperdiçar! Quero dançar o tango sempre. Sempre! Sem parar.
sexta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2007
Lovin' You

Lovin' you is easy cause you're beautiful
Makin' love with you is all i wanna do
Lovin' you is more than just a dream come true
And everything that i do is out of lovin' you
La la la la la la la... do do do do do

No one else can make me feel
The colors that you bring
Stay with me while we grow old

And we will live each day in springtime
Cause lovin' you has made my life so beautiful
And every day my life is filled with lovin' you

Lovin' you i see your soul come shinin' through
And every time that we oooooh
I'm more in love with you

posted by moimeme @ 14:35  
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quem: moimeme
onde: Lisboa, Portugal
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